Dominic Boutique Cloasterf is awarded by the ECO-ROMANIA ecotourism certification scheme from July 2024 to June 2027
Dominic Boutique goes Eco
Dominic Boutique respects the principles of ecotourism, as a responsible tourism, developing and promoting those forms that have a minimal negative impact on the environment and on the local community & culture, maximizing the positive impact on the local economy, generating income and jobs for the community where it takes place and, at the same time, contributing to the conservation of local ecosystems.
Ecotourism must meet the following conditions:
- Minimizing the negative impact (economic, environmental, and social) of tourism.
- Generating economic benefits for the local community and improving the quality of life and working conditions of the locals by using local guides, buying local goods and services, using the facilities in the given region.
- Conservation and protection of nature; ecotourism involves participation in the protection of natural areas, biodiversity conservation, of local cultural heritage.
- Providing more pleasant experiences to tourists through a better connection between them and local realities and facilitating the understanding by tourists of local cultural, social, and environmental issues.
Internal management plan
Dominic Boutique makes sustained efforts to respect the principles of ecotourism .We want to offer tourist services with minimal impact on nature and increase the quality of life in our community, by protecting and promoting local products, culture and traditions.
Our goals:
- conservation of natural resources, historic and cultural heritage and reduction of the impact on the environment.
- stimulating the development of the local community by the use of local human resources and by promoting local culture and traditions.
- ensuring safe and quality services and a responsible involvement in the future development of the area.
- educating and stimulating the respect for nature – awareness for both guests and locals.
- employees and tourists benefit from the safety of both the workplace and the activities they undertake
Conservation of natural resources, historic and cultural heritage and reduction of the impact on the environment
Reducing water consumption
- we use containers with controllable water flow in toilets
- the rooms have shower cabins, not bathtubs
- we use a small amount of water when watering the plants (watering is done especially in the morning or evening or we take them out in the rain for watering and / or cleaning the leaves)
- we collect rainwater and use it to water the plants
- we display written warnings in each bathroom to encourage the reduction of water consumption;
- we encourage tourists to use towels for several days;
- tourists have the option to give up daily cleaning services.
Reducing the amount of waste and garbage
- we purchase materials to avoid excess packaging;
- we use biodegradable packaging as much as possible
- for supply we use reusable shopping bags
- we have eliminated from use plastic glasses, bottles, cutlery, bowls, plates, mixing sticks.
- we encourage both staff and tourists to participate in waste collection, recycling, and reduction waste programs;
- collect and dispose of all garbage;
- we subsidize (financing, labor) and organize cleaning days at nearby Cimas river bank.
Reducing energy consumption
- the rooms are naturally ventilated – we do not have air conditioners in any of our spaces.
- natural light is largely used during the day
- heat loss through windows and doors is reduced by proper sealing, by using double-glazed windows and insulating strips;
- heat is produced by using mainly wood;
- the electrical equipment is “energy efficient” class;
- wood and other natural materials (stone, etc.) were used in a large proportion for the construction of the buildings,
- we encourage tourists to use fuel-efficient transportation and help them with the creation of personalized routes with the greatest savings in time, fuel and kilometers (e.g. providing information on public transport, and also about renting bicycles, carriages or carts for certain visits );
- we encourage horse riding experience
- we encourage our employees to get to and from work on foot or by bicycle
- all our vehicles are well maintained (up-to-date technical inspection);
- we use fuel efficient vehicles;
Reducing the impact on air, soil, and water
- tourist facilities and activities (e.g., buildings, paths) do not lead to land remodeling, nor complete elimination of natural vegetation, obstruction of light and view, etc.
- the waste is only stored in places especially created for it;
- the usual level of noise produced by the activities within the complex does not significantly exceed the background noise of the area;
- the noise-generating repair and maintenance units are placed at a distance from the quiet areas (bedrooms, garden) and have an alternative schedule with the time when the tourists are inside the accommodations.
- we offer tourists the opportunity to enjoy the “peace of nature”;
- there are no disturbing odors associated with pollutant emissions into the air;
- waste incineration is only controlled and does not cause visible air degradation.
Historic heritage preservation
- the restauration works were done by respecting the old Saxon way of construction.
- the renovated buildings are on the same spot and have the same volume as before the process started.
- we used mostly old construction materials (wooden beams, bricks, tiles) together with stone, all purchased from the area.
- we used for our rooms many pieces of Saxon antiques furniture who were saved, restored and have now a new purpose, to enjoy our guests
Stimulating the development of the local community by the use of local human resources and by promoting local culture and traditions:
- we use the services of local guides to present the area’s attractions to tourists that visits us
- our staff lives in the area
- we always encourage and promote the purchase of local products and souvenirs;
- we use other services from the area: car service, laundry, cart and bicycle rental etc.;
Promoting local culture and traditions:
- we communicate to tourists the appropriate conduct code within the local community
- we inform tourists about the customs of the area; we encourage them to participate to the traditional local festivals or events such as Haferland, Icon Arts, Transylvanian Brunch and so on.
- our goal in the near future is to serve mainly local food, with products purchased from local producers (meat, dairy, vegetables, and fruits)
- we will buy souvenirs from the area and we will promote them to our guests
- we use local and authentic decor elements , having our own design concept Saxon Romantic .
Ensuring safe and quality services and a responsible involvement in the future development of the area
- in unforeseen situations, we have a person responsible for the quick approach and solve of the problem;
- tourists have access to a list of contact information in case of emergency: fire service; natural area administration, mountain rescue, hospital, etc.;
- all employees wear safety equipment when imposed
- staff follow all safety protocols imposed by local authorities
- there is hand sanitizer in essential areas of the property as well
- washing and disinfection of linen and towels is done through outsourced service, a company that uses professional detergents and disinfectants, approved by the health authorities.
Educating and stimulating the respect for nature – awareness for both guests and locals
- leading towards an active participation in the protection of the outstanding natural area we are situated in (Site Natura 2000).
- in order to protect and do conservation work, one must be instructed in several ways (books, meetings, readings) about the fauna and flora existing in the area.
Employees and tourists benefit from the safety of both the workplace and the activities they undertak
- in the current COVID-19 context, we have taken all necessary measures to protect both staff and tourists from getting sick:
- our staff is trained to rigorously enforce all internal legal measures on the prevention of COVID-19. Each employee is informed in detail about the essential prevention measures. Operating instructions are constantly being improved.
- we have updated the internal working procedures and increased the frequency of hand washing and disinfection of spaces and utensils during work processes (cleaning both in the kitchen and common areas).
- we recommend online or bank transfer payments. For the payments at the departure, we recommend using the card
- we have updated the cleaning procedure in the rooms, so that the cleaning and disinfection time has increased.
- employees will wear protective equipment (mask, gloves) throughout the time spent at work.
.surfaces are cleaned, wiped, and disinfected with quality products. - in the disinfection process we pay special attention to handles, switches, sockets, all flat surfaces, etc.